Support KGNU!

One Time Donation

Donating a fixed amount is a quick and easy way to support independent, community media. Use this page to make a one-time or an additional donation to KGNU.

Membership benefits include various thank-you gifts, such as t-shirts, baseball caps, books and CDs, as well as discounts at various businesses along the Front Range. If donating online, feel free to come in and browse for a thank you gift! If there is a special show premium you are interested in, please call us instead at 303 449-4885 to confirm availability.

Prefer to give monthly with your credit card instead?

[button color=”success” link=”” size=”default” icon_before=”credit-card” target=”_self” block=”true”]Go SOLR[/button]
Click the button to make monthly recurring card payments for as little as $5/month! If you have any questions about how to donate, feel free to contact us. If you wish to make monthly donations from your bank account, go here.


Note: An email address is required to complete this form. If you do not wish to provide an email, we’ll be happy to take your contribution by phone at (303) 449-4885

Choose or enter an amount to give:

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Billing Details

May we thank you on air? Required
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Thank-You Gift Info

Membership thank you gift pick-up and browsing hours are Monday-Wednesday, 10am-3pm at 4700 Walnut Street. Please call the Membership Office (303) 449-4885 if you need to arrange thank-you gift pickup outside of these hours.
Have You Considered a Legacy Gift to KGNU?

Donation Total: $88.50