Monthly by Check or Card

KGNU Monthly SOLR (Sustainer of Local Radio) Membership

I want to support KGNU with a monthly contribution!


You have chosen to donate $10.00 monthly.

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Bank Details
Check Sample

Billing Details

Are you a new member?
May we thank you on air?
Thank-You Gift pick-up and browse hours are 10am-5pm weekdays at our Boulder Studios at 4700 Walnut St.
Have you considered a Legacy gift to KGNU?

Donation Total: $10.00 Monthly

Thank you so much for supporting KGNU. Please contact us if you have any other questions.

You might be able to increase your support. Check with your employer’s HR department to see if they have a matching giving program or ‘dollars for doers’ for volunteer hours. Please let our membership office know if we can help.